Support your employees with virtual tips

Many restaurant employees have been placed on short-time work and find themselves without an important source of income—tips. You can support them.
3 min read
The lockdown restrictions of the past year have forced all of us to make sacrifices, both large and small. The restaurant industry has been hit especially hard, with numerous employees placed on short-time work (Kurzarbeit). While many restaurants have switched to delivery and take-away, they have nevertheless seen a massive drop in customers—and in tips. As an international bank, we’re aware of our social responsibility and growing reach, and want to use it to make a positive impact. To do this, we started a variety of initiatives last year, including a large donation campaign with Doctors Without Borders and a collaboration with Mastercard and the World Food Program. Now, we want to do our part to support those in the restaurant industry. That’s why we started the “Save Your Local Schnitzel” initiative to help you support your employees. With the “Save Your Local Schnitzel” initiative kicking off all over Germany, existing and future customers can support your business, and help compensate for lost tips. Pizza, schnitzel, or sushi—no matter what you offer, you can register your restaurant in just a few steps and help your staff receive virtual tips during these difficult times. Read on to learn how it works.

How does “Save Your Local Schnitzel” work?

First thing’s first—you don’t have to be a customer with N26 to participate in “Save Your Local Schnitzel”. To bring this initiative to life, we partnered up with the non-profit organization gAG who run the donation platform A German not-profit, boasts over 13 years of experience in the donation sector with When you register with, you’ll be able to select your restaurant’s signature dish to be displayed on your promotional materials. Don’t serve schnitzel? No worries—you can select kebap, pizza, burger, salad, or anything else from the list, catering the material to your unique business. Is your main dish pizza? Choose the support package “Save your local pizza”! Upon registration, you’ll receive posters and flyers to print and display in your restaurant, on your website, or on social media to spread the word about the initiative. It’s worth noting that in order to join the initiative and use the posters and flyers, you have to agree to the Terms and Conditions when registering at Once the posters are displayed, customers and passers-by can directly transfer their desired tip amount to you via You can then divide the money you collected among your staff.  Plus, all customers who transfer a virtual tip will get a digital plaque. They can share it on social media and even tag your restaurant to help spread the word about this initiative. 

How do I register my restaurant?

Simply follow these instructions to sign up for the “Save Your Local Schnitzel” initiative:
  1. Visit and set up a campaign for your restaurant and your employees—it’s free and takes just a few minutes.
  2. Upon registration, you can download your support package, including templates for flyers and posters featuring your restaurant’s signature dish. Please read the Terms and Conditions before taking part.
  3. Once customers start sending virtual tips, they will be transferred directly to your restaurant’s bank account. Divide them among your staff to support them during these difficult times.
Lastly, take a minute to spread the word. Share this blog article with your friends from the restaurant industry, so that they can learn about this initiative as well.

About N26

N26 is a 100% mobile bank account with zero hidden fees. Valentin Stalf and Maximilian Tayenthal founded N26 in 2013 and launched their product in Germany and Austria just two years later. Today, N26 has over 7 million customers in 25 countries. N26 employs more than 1,500 employees in our Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Milano, Paris, Vienna, New York and São Paulo offices. With a full European banking license and cutting-edge technology minus the inconvenience of physical branches, N26 has revolutionized banking for the 21st century. N26 is available for Android, iOS and via the N26 WebApp. Learn more about our bank accounts here.


  • What is the “Save Your Local Schnitzel” initiative?
  • How does “Save Your Local Schnitzel” work?
  • How can I register my restaurant?
  • Do I have to be an N26 customer to take part?
  • Do I have to pay taxes on the tips I receive?

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