6 common online scams to watch out forWhether it’s your next love, new furniture, or handy tips, you can find almost anything on the internet—including a whole array of online scams. Here, learn about six of the most common ones.
How to avoid falling for grandparent scamsFraudsters are specifically targeting older people by posing as their grandchildren or young relatives. Find out how to protect your (grand)parents and other loved ones from getting conned.
Romance scams: what are they and how to protect yourselfRomance scams are one of the fastest-growing types of online fraud. In this article, we help you understand how to recognize romance scams and give you some key information to better protect yourself.
How to stay on top of your passwords with a password managerTo protect yourself from hackers, you need unique, secure passwords—but keeping track of all of them isn’t always easy. A password manager can handle the heavy lifting and help you stay safe.
How to avoid scams as a seller on eBay KleinanzeigenSelling things on eBay Kleinanzeigen? Then you need to stay informed about scams to protect yourself. Read on to learn more about the latest tactics and how to stay safe.
Job scamming—how N26 protects youAt N26, the security of your data is our top priority. Read on to learn which security measures we employ to protect you against job scamming and other fraud attempts.
How to protect your digital identityOnline fraud has increased exponentially—forcing everyone to be extra vigilant online. Below, find out the best ways to protect your digital identity.
5 tips for secure mobile bankingFrom deactivating bluetooth to locking your screen, we’ve got 5 essential tips for you to enjoy mobile banking with peace of mind.