6 tips for finding a student job in France

Want to find a student job in France, but have no idea where to look—or how to stand out from the crowd? Fear not—N26 has got your back. Read on for 6 top tips to help you score a student job. 
6 min read

1. Know exactly what you’re looking for

Is your lack of experience affecting your confidence? Are you applying for any old student job instead of going for a role that you really want? Are you convinced that you don’t stand a chance against the competition? If so, then chin up! The first step to finding the student job of your dreams is to believe that you can! Though the market may seem crowded, when it comes to student jobs, there are tons of options to choose from. Here are a few fields to consider:
  • Work with children. Search for a job babysitting or in a daycare center, teaching private lessons or tutoring, or as a teacher’s assistant.
  • Work in a store. Try applying to get hired as a cashier, sales assistant, or stocking shelves.
  • Work in the hotel or restaurant industry. Go for a job as a receptionist, porter, server, line cook, fast food worker, bartender, or delivery driver. This industry is ideal if you’d prefer to work on the weekends.
Tip: Extra ambitious? Read our guide on becoming a student entrepreneur!In general, the key to getting hired for a student job you’ll love is knowing what you’re good at. It’s also important to think hard about what kind of job and conditions suit you best. Before you apply for a student job offer, it’s a good idea to ask yourself the following questions:
  • What are my innate gifts and which sector would suit them best? For example, are you naturally extroverted and sociable? If you are, perhaps you should try sales or food service.
  • Are there any areas I’m especially interested in that might have a job for me, like sports, cars, theater, or music?
  • What’s the maximum number of hours I can work? Am I looking for a weekend student job or can I work during the week? Are there any times or days when I wouldn’t be available, and if so, what are they? In order to ensure you have enough time for your studies, it’s a good idea to cap your student job to a maximum of 15 hours per week, if possible.
  • Do I have any particular experience I can highlight that might help me stand out from other candidates? If not, what makes me the right person for a particular student job?
Once you’ve answered these questions, you’re ready to make a list of sectors and student jobs you want to target.

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2. Prepare a great CV and cover letter

A CV and cover letter are almost always requested when you apply for a student job. Here’s how to make sure yours stands out among the pile of applications ! When it comes to your CV, you can score valuable points with employers by following a few pieces of advice:
  • Use color and focus on presentation. A visually appealing application will help you get the employer’s attention, showcasing you in the best light. You can use the free Canva tool to help you with your graphic design.
  • Highlight even seemingly minimal experience (such as any work experience, babysitting, etc.), by describing what you did in concrete terms using action verbs.
  • Include a section on your interests. But rather than listing a bunch of hobbies, be specific about your involvement in a sport or creative practice, as well as any clubs or associations that you’re a member of. Try to give key details in a concise manner that will make your application memorable.
Now, on to your student job cover letter. Even with little or no experience, you can still discuss your strengths and soft skills. These might include empathy, working well under stress, teamwork, creativity, or an entrepreneurial spirit. But be careful—make sure you choose your soft skills carefully, and illustrate them with examples that make them credible. Contrary to what you might think, soft skills are highly appreciated by employers, and can help you stand out from other applications.

3. Apply via targeted websites

Got your CV and cover letter ready to go? It’s time to take the plunge and start hunting for job ads! Here are some targeted sites for finding a student job:

4. Find a student job on campus

Another ideal option if you’re studying at university is to find a student job on campus. You could work as a library assistant, an activity leader for culture or social activities, a tutor, student health representative, or receptionist, just to name a few. These jobs might not pay all the bills, but they’re perfect for earning some extra cash and getting some experience under your belt. Plus, when you need to head to lectures, you’ll already be on campus!To find this type of student job, you can check the jobs or news page on your university’s website, or just inquire at the relevant office on campus.

5. Apply for a job in-person 

Although it’s nerve racking, applying for a student job in-person is a really effective approach. By popping into a cafe, bar, restaurant, or any other business, not only will you be able to see for yourself if it’s an environment you’d like to work in, you’ll also directly get to observe or meet the team you’d be working with. And, nothing beats direct contact for making an impression! So gather up your CV and your courage, take a deep breath, and head to the establishments you’d like to work for. Even if they're not advertising for positions, who knows—you might get lucky.

6. Join a junior enterprise

Here’s a last idea you might not have thought of—why not try working for a junior enterprise? Also called ‘educational associations’, junior enterprises are associations that function as consulting firms for companies, often employing students at grandes écoles (business, engineering, Sciences Po, etc.). This gives students the chance to apply their skills in a professional setting. There are junior enterprises for many different areas, such as marketing, finance, engineering, IT, communications, and so on.With these 6 tips, you’re sure to land the student job of your dreams. Wrapping up your university studies? Check out our advice on how to get your first job out of college!

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    If you have a salaried student job, you won’t need to declare your income—provided you’re under 25 and your total income doesn’t exceed three times the minimum wage. If it does, you’ll only need to report the excess above this amount. Be aware that there’s no such thing as a student contract—students have the same employee status as anyone else.

    To land a student job when you have no work experience, you’ll need to highlight all the other skills that set you apart and are relevant to the job you’re trying to land. This may include any soft skills you possess, or internships and voluntary work you’ve done. Make sure to explain your roles and tasks completed, and always use action verbs. Above all, we suggest you tailor your applications—choose a few job ads you’re interested in, and for each one, take the time to research the company and the role advertised. If you can, add a personal touch to stand out from the crowd—employers are used to receiving impersonal letters taken from templates found online.

BY N26Love your bank

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