
Dr. Anastasia Kotovskaia, LL.M.

Cybersecurity and operational resilience: challenges for the financial sector

Finance expert Dr. Anastasia Kotovskaia discusses the role of corporate IT security, the ongoing threat of cybercrime, and the challenges the industry is currently facing.

11 min read

Man in a coffee shop working on his laptop.

What is a Trojan horse virus? (and what to do if your system gets infected)

If undetected, Trojan horse can do quite a bit of damage — they operate in the background, stealing sensitive information and compromising the security of your data.

6 min read

Woman looking at her cellphone.

What is a ransomware attack? How to protect your files

Ransomware is a particularly devious kind of cyber attack that can infect your computer and hold your files hostage. Learn more here about how to defend yourself and your devices.

6 min read

Person on computer.

What is spyware? How to safeguard your devices

Is your online data safe? A certain type of malware known as spyware is specially designed to infiltrate users’ devices and steal sensitive personal information

6 min read

Man walking in front of bilboards.

What is adware? What you need to know to keep your system secure

Fed up with pesky pop-up ads while you’re browsing online? There's a chance that adware is the cause — learn more about this type of malware and how to remove it from your system.

6 min read

Person typing on laptop.

Scareware: What it is and how to protect yourself

Scareware scams can be stressful, costly, and time-consuming. Luckily, there are warning signs that can help you spot scareware hiding in plain sight — read on to learn more.

3 min read

A woman looking at her cellphone.

Vishing — a growing threat

Voice phishing — aka vishing — is on the rise. Learn how to recognize these scams and protect yourself from fraud.

5 min read

A hook hooks a sim card.

SIM swap scam: is your phone number safe from hackers?

Hackers will try just about anything to get hold of your personal information and money including SIM swapping. Here, we explain what this scam is and how you can safeguard yourself and your phone.

6 min read

Wifi gratis.

Security risks of public Wi-Fi — and how to protect yourself

Using public Wi-Fi is convenient — but it’s also risky. In this article, learn how to minimize the security risks when using public Wi-Fi and protect your data from hackers.

4 min read

N26 logo against a pink background.

Job scamming - What N26 does to protect you and how you can protect yourself

N26 has developed transaction monitoring methods that make our mobile bank increasingly secure against fraud. Find out more in this article.

5 min read

Fire extinguisher with pink smoke.

Debit card fraud—what you need to know

Find out how you can protect yourself against debit card fraud.

5 min read

woman using an atm.

What is an ATM skimmer? How to protect your bank account when withdrawing cash

Scams can happen anywhere—find out how to protect yourself.

3 min read

man looking at his cell phone.

Internet shoppers young and old are falling for fake websites—here’s why

Fake websites are now being targeted at different age groups. The most at risk? Millennials and Gen Z. Here’s what to watch out for so you don’t fall for an online scam.

8 min read