Have you heard of a Bizum password? Find out what it’s for and how to get one
Quick guide to activate the Bizum key easily, quickly and safely.
2 min read
Unlike popular online payment methods such as PayPal, Stripe, or Google Pay, Bizum is a payment platform promoted by the Bank of Spain. It allows you to send money from one bank account to another in a matter of seconds, pay at partner establishments, or donate to NGOs. Here, we’ll explain what it is, and the perks of a Bizum password—one of the latest tools on this popular platform.There’s no doubting it—the arrival of the Bizum password feature has considerably improved the platform’s user experience by allowing you to make payments from your smartphone in online stores.How does it work? In short, the Bizum password is a 4-digit code that spares you the hassle of card transfers and payments. Whether you want to pay safely and easily online for an Air Europa plane ticket, a set of ping-pong bats from Decathlon, or a mouse pad from MediaMarkt, you can shop at over 20,000 online businesses and pay in seconds.But let’s get straight to the point: How do you get your Bizum password? Most banks operating in Spain already allow the use of Bizum. Although the process to get the Bizum password varies slightly between banks, the general steps are as follows:N26 makes opening a free bank account in Europe as easy as email. The basic N26 Standard account is completely free, while premium plans like N26 You, Business You, and N26 Metal accounts offer perks like extensive insurance and innovative saving and budgeting features. Need to send money abroad? No problem—and no over-inflated exchange rate. N26’s Wise integration gives you the real rate, every single time. Finally, N26 Customer Support specialists are happy to assist you—in five different languages. Visit our compare page and find the plan that’s right for you.
How do I get a Bizum password and what can I do with it?
Bizum is here
Send and receive money instantly and pay online quickly and safely with Bizum.
Get Bizum- First things first: Make sure your bank offers Bizum.
- If you don’t have a Bizum account yet, download your bank’s mobile app.
- Head to the Bizum section in your banking app and select the option to create a Bizum password.
- Enter the password you want to use, confirm—and that’s it!
Send money in a single click with N26
Si tienes un negocio y usas Bizum como método de pago, tienes que declarar el importe como venta o servicio.
Estos son los bancos que tienen disponible el servicio de Bizum para empresas:
CaixaBank, Santander, Banca Pueyo, BBVA, Bankia, CaixaBank, Caixa Guissona, Caixa Ontinyent, Sabadell, Unicaja Banco, Cajasur, Kutxabank, Caja Rural, Ibercaja, Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar, Laboral Kutxa, Evo, Banco Caminos, Arquia Banca, Banco Mediolanum, N26, BancaMarch, Eurocaja Rural, ING, Targobank y Openbank.
Puedes recibir un importe máximo de 5.000 € al mes.
Si has enviado un Bizum a una persona que no está dada de alta en el servicio, puedes cancelar el envío. Por otra parte, la persona destinataria del dinero tiene hasta 2 días para descargarse la app (o vincular su cuenta bancaria con este método de pago), darse de alta y aceptar o rechazar el Bizum.
En caso de que se equivoquen y te envíen a ti dinero por error (o no quieras que te paguen esas cervezas a las que querías invitar) puedes rechazar una solicitud de pago por Bizum a través de la app móvil de tu banco: selecciona la opción “rechazar ” en la orden de pago.
Tienes hasta 7 días para aceptar o rechazar un Bizum.
Si has sido víctima de una estafa por Bizum, ponte en contacto con tu entidad bancaria y presenta una denuncia a la policía. Procura dar el máximo de datos posibles a los agentes para que puedan ayudarte a localizar al estafador. ¡Ten cuidado!
With your N26 card, you can withdraw money for free from any ATM, regardless of the bank it’s associated with. Some ATM operators may charge you a €2 fee, but don’t worry: you can request a refund by contacting our Customer Support.
If you'd rather avoid paying the fee from the outset, simply use ATMs associated with the 15 banks listed here.
If you have a virtual N26 card rather than a physical one, you can withdraw money at any ATM enabled with NFC technology. All you have to do is place your smartphone near the ATM’s contactless scanner, enter your PIN number, and then enter the amount you’d like to withdraw. That’s it!
You can deposit money into your N26 account using Cash26. This feature allows you to deposit and withdraw money at 1,255 stores in Spain — as well as Austria, Italy, Grece and Germany — right from your N26 app. Withdrawing money with Cash 26 is free, while deposits carry a charge of 1.5% — with a minimum of €50 and a maximum of €999 per day.
To open an N26 bank account, you’ll need an official identity document accepted in the country where you live. For more information about the requirements for opening an N26 account, visit this link.
In short, no — N26 bank accounts don’t have service charges, or fees for opening or closing an account. If you decide to open a premium N26 Smart, N26 You, or N26 Metal account, you’ll have to pay a monthly membership fee, but you still won’t pay any of the fees mentioned above. Also, with the N26 Smart account, you won’t have to pay fees for withdrawing cash from ATMs in Europe, and with N26 You and N26 Metal, you can withdraw money from anywhere in the world for free.
N26 only offers debit cards. This means that if you’re looking for a credit card, an N26 account may not be the best option for you.
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