If your compensation package includes stock options, it's time to discover what they are. Find out here about how stock options work (and what happens if you leave your job).
Want to take the next step with a partner and manage your finances together? Read on to get a side-by-side-comparison of the options and features, so you can decide what’s best for you.
Find out whether you can pay your self-employment taxes in Spain with N26, and what other features you might want to consider when looking for the right business account.
Financial literacy is a critical tool for women to build wealth and secure their future. However, many women lack the knowledge they need to get ahead. We explore why that’s the case!
Types of taxes and tax rates for cryptocurrency mining and cryptocurrency investments or NFT transactions. Get up to speed on tax issues regarding crypto assets!
What opportunities does asset tokenization present? As this fintech innovation gains traction, discover how it works, key trends, and remaining challenges. By Xavier Lavayssière.
The cryptocurrency market is complex, but buying and selling crypto shouldn’t be. With N26 Crypto, you can buy and sell over 350 coins without leaving your N26 app.