Compare N26 bank accounts for freelancers in Germany
N26 Standard
The free* digital business bank account with cashback for freelancers

N26 Smart
The business bank account with cashback and financial tools for freelancers

N26 You
The business bank account with cashback and travel perks for freelancers

N26 Metal
The premium bank account with cashback and a metal card for freelancers

Physical card
Virtual card
Contactless payments
Mobile payments
Extra card (optional)
Cashback on purchases
Stocks and ETFs
Ready-made funds
N26 Crypto
100% mobile banking
Free payments worldwide
CASH26 deposits & withdrawals
Free ATM withdrawals in euros
Free ATM withdrawals abroad
Chatbot support
In-app chat
Phone support
Travel delays
Baggage delay
Baggage coverage
Emergencies while traveling
Trip cancellation
Trip interruption
Personal liability insurance
Purchase protection