Cultivating good saving and spending habits is challenging, and teaching them to our kids is even harder. That’s why we’re bringing you this handy guide with our top tips and tricks for success!
Wondering which bank account you should switch to once you close your Comdirect account? Discover N26—offering a free, flexible, 100% mobile bank account with no minimum deposit.
Developing a household budget takes some work, but it’s always a good idea to dive into your spending habits to see where you could save some cash. Read our tips on budgeting for household expenses.
Want to learn more about the coronavirus’s economic impact in Europe? N26 and the ifo Institute launched a monitor to learn how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the European economy.
Germany is only slowly opening up again. Though it might not seem like it, this is the perfect opportunity to start something new. Here, two founders argue for a new era of entrepreneurship.
Missing those laid-back evenings with friends at your favorite restaurant? Us too—that’s why N26 came up with an idea to support restaurant staff during these difficult times. Read on to learn more!