Is cryptocurrency safe? Things to be aware ofCryptocurrencies may be more secure than other types of currency, and riskier in others. Before buying or selling crypto, you’ll want to be aware of potential scams and other pitfalls to look out for.
Smurfing: Don’t become a money mule!With smurfing, a money mule—often unwittingly—helps criminals launder money that was earned illegally. Here, you’ll learn how to recognize and avoid getting caught up in these schemes.
How to avoid falling for grandparent scamsFraudsters are specifically targeting older people by posing as their grandchildren or young relatives. Find out how to protect your (grand)parents and other loved ones from getting conned.
Romance scams: what are they and how to protect yourselfRomance scams are one of the fastest-growing types of online fraud. In this article, we help you understand how to recognize romance scams and give you some key information to better protect yourself.