Open a Spanish bank account in English with zero paperwork

Register from your phone
Verify your identity through a videocall
Receive your N26 virtual Mastercard and activate it from the app
Enjoy the bank the world loves to use
A Spanish IBAN
Pay rent, get paid, and settle your finances. We’ll give you a Spanish IBAN immediately after opening your account.
N26 Mastercard
Your free virtual contactless N26 Mastercard debit card is accepted all over the world. If you need, you can order a debit Mastercard. You'll only have to pay the delivery fees.
Foreign currency transfers: in a few taps with TransferWise
Send money in 38 currencies with just a few taps with our partner Wise. Everything happens in-app without a piece of paperwork. Wise is up to ten times cheaper than sending money with normal banks.
Pay anywhere. Get charged nowhere
Pay using your virtual Mastercard anywhere in the world—for free. We don’t charge foreign transaction fees. Whether it’s Mongolian tögrögs or Mexican pesos, it’s all the same to us.