This article lays out the practical information you need to set a budget and all the different costs to consider, from rent and food to transport and healthcare. Let’s get started!
We’ve compiled a list of the best budgeting apps for iPhone and Android. Use these apps to build a budget that makes saving simpler and more rewarding.
Online scams and fraud aren’t new but they evolve constantly. Kristen from N26’s Trust & Safety team analyses and investigates these trends to make online banking even more secure for you.
Security is at the core of everything we do at N26. Kyle from our Trust & Safety team shares insights on why we constantly research potential threats and issues that might compromise your money.
Security is key in online banking. As a Product Security Engineer, Cristofor is part of the N26 team that checks on and analyses all features at different stages in order to keep your money safe.
The European interbank interest rate—or Euribor—impacts everything from your savings account to mortgage rates. Learn more about its impacts in this article.