Topic: Holidays
Top vacation destinations in France for 2021
With the sun coming out and health restrictions easing, you’re probably getting a serious case of wanderlust! Get inspired with our guide to the best vacation destinations in France for 2021.
Your travel bucket list: 10 experiences worth saving for in 2020
Need some travel inspo for 2020? Our community of N26 Campus Ambassadors share their once-in-a-lifetime trips. Dive right in!
Where to travel in 2020 — N26 users have their say
Your 2020 travel plans sorted. Here are this year’s most popular destinations as voted for by N26 users.
5 reasons why winter is the best season to travel
Whether you want to snuggle up in a log cabin, or indulge in Southern-hemisphere sunshine—here are five reasons to travel this winter.
Foreign transaction fees to look out for when using your debit card abroad
How much are you paying for foreign transaction fees and ATM withdrawals when using your card abroad? Read this article to learn more.
Holiday budget: how to create your budget and stick to it
A holiday budget is useful to have when planning a trip, but it’s not always easy to stick to it. Explore our tips on budgeting better.