Welcome to N26’s speak up portal
N26's speak up portal
You are in a trusted environment where you can report to us any serious administrative or ethical violations, criminal activity, as well as breaches of our Code of Conduct, Compliance, Data Privacy and Confidentiality policies. Remember that this is not a customer support channel.

At N26 we want to identify and resolve any possible serious administrative or ethical violations, criminal activity, as well as breaches of our Code of Conduct, Compliance, Data Privacy and Confidentiality policies, as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The whistleblowing channel is a fully confidential and anonymous reporting tool, if the user so wishes, which allows anyone to report such breaches without being subject to retaliation. To maximize the efficiency of the tool, remember that this channel is not the appropriate way to process contractual or commercial complains from suppliers, partners or customers. For all these purposes, we have other communication channels specially enabled for it.
Although you can contact the Independent Whistleblower Protection Authority directly to report such cases, and SEPBLAC in the event that these relate to Financial Crime (FC) matters, we would encourage you to raise any concerns you may have about the above internally beforehand in an environment where you can feel safe from bias or fear of retaliation.
From the day of receipt of the request, we will send you an acknowledgement within 7 days, and based on the information communicated an investigation will be carried out. This may require additional clarifications, which will be requested from the informant through the channel itself.
This platform is designed to be used by all employees (current, former or potential), partners, contractors and external suppliers of N26, as well as shareholders of the company.
Any report processed through this platform is protected by the Whistleblower Protection Act, so anyone can report potential wrongdoing anonymously and without fear of retaliation. If you want to submit a case signed with your name it is also possible.
Reports are received by a small selection of specially authorized and trained N26 employees from the Compliance department or, alternatively, from the company's Human Resources department, and are always treated confidentially.
Once a report is received, you will receive a message confirming receipt of the report by the company, and the responsible teams will evaluate the matter and conduct any further investigation required by the specific case. If they need further information, they will contact you through the platform.
Communication between your computer and the reporting system takes place over an encrypted connection (SSL). Your IP address will not be stored during your use of the reporting system. To maintain the connection between your computer and the BKMS® incident reporting system, a cookie containing only the session identifier (so-called session cookie) is stored on your computer. This cookie is only valid until the end of your session and expires when you close your browser.
To submit an anonymous or personalized report, you have to click on the "Submit Report" button located at the top of the page. You will then be asked some security questions > we will ask you for the subject of your report > we will ask you to explain the case on the report page in a maximum of five thousand characters where you can attach files as well > finally we will ask you to set up your own mailbox so that we can communicate with you.