5 things to spend money on that can boost your happiness
How to use your money to improve your mood and spread the love!
5 min read
We all know that money can’t buy happiness. But did you know that being conscious about how and where you spend your money can do a lot to boost your happiness—and spread it to those around you. With this in mind, here are 5 things to spend money on that will go a long way toward increasing your overall happiness over the long-term!Your state of mind shapes how you experience the world. This means that spending money to enhance your overall wellbeing is generally a great investment. Here are some things to spend money on that will nurture you both physically and mentally—so you can be the best version of yourself.We don’t need to tell you that regular exercise not only keeps your body in good shape, but it does wonders for your mental health, too. However, in order to make exercise part of your life, it’s important that you also enjoy it. So, if the idea of hitting the gym twice a week fills you with dread, take the time to discover the sports you actually like doing. From yoga and pilates to rock climbing, hula-hooping, and dance classes, there are so many different ways to get a weekly workout—so take some time and find what works best for you! Putting good food into your body is essential for your overall health. While eating nutritious food doesn’t have to be expensive, it does often mean making some wise shopping choices. Planning to cook more balanced meals may mean shelling out a little more for green veggies and other vitamin-rich food items in the short-term, but the payoff is always worth it. Plus, if you get into prepping your meals in advance, you may even end up saving money!While investing in your body is important, it’s equally important to invest in your mind. By exploring art, culture, and other intellectual or creative feats, you can broaden your horizons and feed your curiosity.Best of all, this doesn’t have to break the bank. Books are a fantastic resource, and they usually cost no more than a couple of lattes would—even less if you visit the library! Trips to museums and art galleries also work wonders for giving you a new perspective, and can make a great day out for you and your friends.Living in the now is a great way to approach life—but not at the cost of your future happiness! Investing money in your future will give you a sense of security and allow you to explore more opportunities further down the road. And, it can also help you stop living from paycheck to paycheck.Unhappy with your current career path? Then perhaps it’s time to invest in a new start. Luckily, there’s an abundance of online resources to help you advance your skills in any field. Once you’ve grasped the basics, you can start adding new learning resources to your routine. This could mean investing in a trainer or coach, joining a class, or buying a set of books to help you reach your next goal.It may seem like a long way off now, but the earlier you start saving for retirement, the better. While it may be hard to set aside a chunk of your income for your twilight years, you can’t put a price on feeling financially secure. Thanks to the magic of compound interest, starting some solid saving habits now means you won’t have to save as much as you age. Trust us—you’ll thank yourself for it later!One of the best things to spend money on to improve your overall happiness is experiences. While it’s fun in the moment to invest in possessions, the novelty soon wears off. Experiences, however, offer a constant source of joy. According to Amit Kumar, assistant professor of marketing and psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, when we invest money in time spent on experiences and with loved ones rather than things, we become more thankful overall. Plus, experiences live on in our memories and can bolster our sense of self—as well as our connection with those we care about. Spending money on the important people in your life is the gift that keeps on giving. Sure, you could invest your annual bonus in some new clothes or gadgets—but seeing the look on a loved one’s face when you present them with something they’ve always wanted is simply priceless. Generosity doesn’t just benefit others, it gives you an endorphin kick, making you happier in a deeper sense. Tip: giving gifts to loved ones doesn’t have to break the bank—sometimes a memorable item from a garage sale will mean much more than a new-fangled toy. When it comes to friends and family, it’s truly the thought that counts. Speaking of gifts, giving to causes you believe in can be a deeply enriching experience. Donating to charitable or political organizations that are making a real difference can help you feel more engaged. Plus, you’ll be contributing to making the world a little better—which in turn makes you a pretty happy person! According to research conducted by Harvard Business School, researchers found that when participants gave money to someone else rather than spending it on themselves, they felt happier overall! Worth a try, don’t you think?
With N26, spending on the things that improve your happiness couldn’t be easier. As a premium user, you can use Spaces to set aside money for the things that will fill your life with purpose. Plus, you can easily keep track of your financial health with Statistics, which makes budgeting a breeze. Additionally, use Roundups to automatically round up all of your card payments to the nearest euro and deposit the difference in your savings account! Isn’t it time you invested in yourself?
5. Spend money on self-improvement and self care
Work out—with intention
Spend more on eating well
Feed your mind
Budgeting made simple
N26 Spaces sub-accounts make it easy to set money aside for your goals in just a few taps.
Get sub-accounts in minutes4. Spend money on your future
Go back to school
Invest in your retirement
3. Spend money on experiences
2. Give more to your loved ones
1. Give more in general
Your money at N26
If you’re running low at the end of the month, taking a look at your spending behavior might help. Once you know where you’re spending your money, you can spot areas where you could save a little and invest it in yourself instead. For example, if you’re spending quite a lot on car sharing or shuttle services, you might want to consider switching to more public transport—and maybe even buy a bike with the savings! This way, you’ll get to work out and do something good for the environment.
There are a number of savings tips to help stay on budget and put some money aside for your personal wellbeing. A good book, for instance, usually doesn’t cost more than a couple lattes would. So, brew some java at home, put it in an eco-friendly travel mug, and grab a book to read somewhere cozy. Homemade food is also much cheaper than eating out or ordering in. And what’s even nicer—you can clear your head while cutting and frying, try out new recipes, or even cook together with friends.
Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive. At first, substituting fresh veggies and fruits for macaroni and cheese may seem more expensive, but in the long-run, it’ll pay off. On top of that there are many tips on how to save on groceries without cutting back on quality. And if you prepare meals in advance and put them in the freezer, you might save even more.
BY N26Love your bank
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