Information about MAV and RAV—how do I pay them online?

Find out how MAV and RAV online payments work.
4 min read
You’ve probably already heard about MAV and RAV—acronyms that stand for the most common payment notices issued by the Public Administration in Italy. But what exactly do they stand for, and how can you pay them? Well, read on to find out what these two types of payment slips are, and how you can pay them online.Close up of the hands of a man checking his smartphone.

The difference between MAV and RAV payment slips

With MAV (pagamento mediante avviso) payment slips—or “payments by notice”—you can pay a public entity, insurance company, financial institute, or condominium administration board. It’s widely used by public institutions, municipalities, schools, and (until recently!) by most Italian universities to collect university tuition fees.RAV (ruoli mediante avviso) payment slips—or “electronic payment notices”—instead, are used to pay amounts registered by government collection agencies (such as taxes, duties and administrative fines to the Italian Revenue Agency, INPS – National Institute for Social Security, municipalities, provinces and regions.) You can use it to pay for highway tickets, waste collection services, taxes on government concessions, and registration fees to professional associations.Both MAV and RAV are blank and pre-filled payment slips (bollettini) you can use to make electronic money transfers from one bank to another. They are issued for a predefined amount and associated with a 17-digit identification code that makes each transaction unique.

The format of MAV and RAV payment slips

MAV and RAV payment slips have an identical format consisting of four elements:
  • Identification code: the number that uniquely identifies a printed payment slip, consisting of 17 numerical digits for both the MAV and RAV (18 including the leading 0).
  • Amount: the total amount to be paid in euros. If the total is not a whole number, no more than two decimal points can be included after the decimal point.
  • Payment date: the payment deadline, which can be up to a maximum of 12 months after the entry date. The expiry date coincides with the value date, or simply put, the date in which the operation takes place.
  • Reason: this field is optional, has a limited length, and is used to specify the reasons for the payment.

Where and how do I pay MAV and RAV slips online?

You can pay MAV and RAV slips in person at any bank branch, or at any ATM or tobacconist with payment point terminals. Alternatively, you can also pay MAV and RAV slips online from the comfort of your own home. The following are your options:
  • Online banking or your bank’s apps
  • Poste Italiane online banking or app
  • Equitalia website
When making a payment, have the following at hand:
  • The identification code printed on the payment slip
  • Your email address (to confirm your payment)
  • Your Italian tax code (for payments on Equitalia website)
Simply go to Equitalia website or access the “Payments” section of the online banking portal, or your bank’s app or Poste Italiane. Enter the identification code you find on the payment slip, the amount to be paid, and—if requested—your tax code. Once you have completed the process and the payment has been confirmed, print the receipt or have it sent to your email address.Note that for both MAV and RAV payments you could be charged additional bank fees.

What are the advantages of MAV and RAV online payments?

Paying MAV and RAV online is easy and fast. The unique identification code on the payment slips guarantees a secure and error-free payment. Besides, automatic and paperless MAV payments are a cost-cutting and green solution. Not having to print or mail any document, your costs and paper consumption are greatly reduced.

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How do I pay MAV and RAV payment slips online with N26?

As you can see, paying MAV or RAV payment slips online is simple. With N26—The Mobile Bank—you can make convenient payments using your smartphone. Simply open your N26 app, go to the “Actions” tab, then tap on “Send money” and select “Other Payments.” When you choose the MAV or RAV payment option from the menu, you’ll be redirected to the service provider’s website—from there, you can complete the transaction directly from your phone. Discover how N26 can make your life easier and manage your payments from your smartphone wherever and whenever you want in just a few taps!

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