
What is the singles tax?

Find out why you are financially disadvantaged as a single person and what you can do about it - without changing your relationship status.

12 min read

EU flag but the stars are Euro symbols.

Banking Basics: EU banking rules and regulations

In this Banking Basics, we take a closer look at the rules and regulations that keep your money safe.

8 min read

A leaping bull, the corresponding constellation and period.

Taurus: your financial horoscope

Each of the twelve star signs is associated with certain traits — including Taurus. In this article, you’ll learn what characterizes a Taurus — and how they deal with money.

6 min read

Aries: Your financial horoscope

Every star sign is associated with certain traits — including Aries. In this article, find out what characterizes Ariens and how they handle their money.

6 min read

Pisces: your financial horoscope

Every star sign is associated with certain traits — including Pisces. In this article, find out what characterizes Pisceans and how they handle their money.

5 min read

Rental contracts in Germany: Everything you need to know

Whether you’re moving into a new apartment or planning to rent one out, there are a few things to consider before signing a lease. Our practical guide to German rental contracts has got you covered.

20 min read

a collection of all clocks showing times in different cities of the world.

How long does a transfer take?

The SEPA initiative makes it easier to send euros between bank accounts, but transfers don’t always happen overnight.

2 min read

N26 You.

Credit, debit, and prepaid cards—what’s the difference?

You use them every day but what is the difference, actually? Let’s get to the heart of the matter so you can decide what’s best for you.

7 min read

Recession in big letters, surrounded by clouds while a person stands before it.

What is a recession and how long will it last?

Political events, environmental disasters, trade shocks: There are many factors that could cause a country's economy to slow down. But what exactly is a recession—and how long do they last?

5 min read

Metal statue of a bull.

Bull markets: What they mean for your money

Not sure what bulls have to do with the financial world? The term is mostly symbolic — but bull markets can have significant effects on your investments. Read on to learn what a bull market is.

9 min read

Bear market: This is what it means

If you think a bear market sounds rather scary, you’re already on the right track. In this article, you’ll learn what a bear market is, why it occurs, how it affects your assets and how long it lasts.

9 min read

picture showing speed lights from a train.

Real-time banking behind the scenes

At N26, you can receive a notification any time your balance changes. How do we manage do pull this off?

2 min read