Information about MAV and RAV—how do I pay them online?
Find out how MAV and RAV online payments work.
What is PagoPA, and how does it work?
Here’s how to interact with Italian public administration entities whenever you need to pay taxes or stamp duties.
Calculating TARI 2020: what’s changing in Italy’s main cities?
All you need to know about TARI 2020 benefits and reductions.
Tuition fees: how to pay them in Italy’s university cities
Discover the payment methods available in Italy’s main university cities.
Managing your payments in Italy is hassle-free with N26
Now with N26, you can easily top up your mobile phone and pay your taxes in Italy, directly from your smartphone. Here’s how it works.
Top 5 destinations for an unforgettable day trip in Italy
Looking for unique places to discover in Italy? Here are top 5 alternative destinations that you can explore in just one day.
The 5 best beaches in Sicily for a true Italian summer
5 one-of-a-kind Sicilian beaches that you’ll love this summer. Dive right in!
The 5 best Sardinian beaches to visit in Italy this summer
5 amazing Sardinian beaches that will take your breath away.
Italy’s most beautiful villages: 5 places to discover
5 hidden gems in Italy to spend a dream holiday.
Mountain holidays in Italy: 5 destinations you can’t miss
A selection of 5 beautiful mountain resorts for your holidays in Italy. Take a look!
Your Italian summer: travel with N26 for extra peace of mind
Read our tips to make the most out of your summer in Italy, and travel with extra peace of mind.
Support Gruppo San Donato with N26
We’ve started a fundraiser to support Gruppo San Donato during COVID-19. Here’s how to contribute.