N26 Blog

Typing on a laptop.

What’s social engineering? Here’s how to protect yourself from it and keep your account secure

It’s a common trick fraudsters can use to gain access to your personal info.

4 min read

Programmer with 3 screens.

Security: the DNA of N26

As a bank, maintaining security is our top priority. At N26, we work continuously to improve the way we do this.

3 min read

Man holding a passport in his hand.

What is money laundering and how can you protect yourself from it

Find out more about money laundering, what N26 is doing to prevent it, and what you can do to protect yourself.

2 min read

Cash is dying but still king in Germany.

Money in Germany: Cash is dying, but still king

A short history and look into the future of cash in Germany.

4 min read

Rebranding N26, new logo and new colors.

The crazy cost of cash

We’d like to suggest some ways that you can help us keep costs down- and thus help us to keep your core checking account free of charge:

2 min read

Dollar bills.

The cost of cash

Why does cash cost so much money? We explain the cost of cash and why cashless payments are the future.

4 min read

People waiting at an ATM.

The automatic teller machine

We explain the history of the automatic teller machine (ATM) and how the invention changed banking forever.

2 min read