
People walking around an old city center during the holidays.

5 popular holiday scams to watch out for this season

Don’t let scammers ruin your holidays. Get informed about these 5 popular holiday scams to protect your wallet.

5 min read

Stay safe while online shopping.

How to keep your money safe when you shop online

Protect yourself from fraud with this simple guide.

8 min read

How to avoid bank transfer scams

How can you recognize bank transfer scams and protect yourself and your business? Read on to find out.

6 min read

A hook hooks a sim card.

SIM swap scam: is your phone number safe from hackers?

Hackers will try just about anything to get hold of your personal information and money including SIM swapping. Here, we explain what this scam is and how you can safeguard yourself and your phone.

6 min read

Wifi gratis.

Security risks of public Wi-Fi — and how to protect yourself

Using public Wi-Fi is convenient — but it’s also risky. In this article, learn how to minimize the security risks when using public Wi-Fi and protect your data from hackers.

4 min read

Person using their cellphone.

Do you have malware on your phone? Here's how to check

Malware on your phone can access your personal info, including your bank details. Here’s how to safeguard your phone against malicious software and what to do if it’s been infected.

5 min read

N26 logo against a pink background.

Job scamming - What N26 does to protect you and how you can protect yourself

N26 has developed transaction monitoring methods that make our mobile bank increasingly secure against fraud. Find out more in this article.

5 min read

Fire extinguisher with pink smoke.

Debit card fraud—what you need to know

Find out how you can protect yourself against debit card fraud.

5 min read

Woman does yoga in the woods.

Our top financial security resolutions for a safer 2023

Simple and effective new year’s resolutions can safeguard your money and data in 2023 and beyond. Read on for our tips to help kickstart your new financial security habits.

7 min read

Photo of security hero Cristofor.

Striking the balance between ease-of-use and best-in-class security: Cristofor, Product Security Engineer

Security is key in online banking. As a Product Security Engineer, Cristofor is part of the N26 team that checks on and analyses all features at different stages in order to keep your money safe.

5 min read

Photo of security hero Kristen.

Inside the mind of online scammers: Kristen, Trust & Safety Analyst

Online scams and fraud aren’t new but they evolve constantly. Kristen from N26’s Trust & Safety team analyses and investigates these trends to make online banking even more secure for you.

5 min read

Woman works on laptop from car.

7 Tips for Working Safely Remotely

Are you a digital nomad or a remote worker? Here's how to keep your data safe while working on the go.

5 min read

A woman eats lunch while checking her phone.

Stay safe while online shopping—here’s how to protect your money and your data

Spending more time inside? Shop smart with these online shopping tips

8 min read