Compare N26 bank accounts for freelancers in Switzerland
N26 Standard
The free* digital business bank account with cashback for freelancers

Virtual Card
N26 Standard
The free* digital business bank account with cashback for freelancers

Virtual Card
Services and Fees for everyone who registers with an address in Switzerland.
For our detailed price list, view PDF here
For our detailed price list, view PDF here
Bank Account for Freelancers FAQ
No. It currently isn’t possible to have two N26 bank accounts with the same name. If you have a personal N26 account and want to open an N26 Business bank account, you will first need to close your personal N26 bank account. You may then sign up for an N26 Business Smart bank account.
To open your N26 Business account, you must meet our eligibility criteria. If you do, you can open your account in just a few minutes using your smartphone or the N26 WebApp on desktop. Opening your bank account doesn’t require any paperwork. You can start using your account right away once we have verified your identity.
You can find more information on how to open an N26 Business account at our Support Center.
Yes, you must use your first and last name in order to open an N26 Business bank account. The N26 Business bank account was designed for freelancers and the self-employed who offer their services in their own name—that means the name of your business will not be shown in your bank account or on your Mastercard.