N26 Instant Savings account

Earn up to 2.25%* interest on your savings

Looking to make your money work for you? Here’s another reason for you — and your money‌ — to love N26. Grow your savings with 2.25%* interest p.a. with Metal, 1.25% p.a. with You, and 1.05% p.a. with Smart and Standard, and access your funds at any time. This offer is waiting for you in the N26 app for residents in Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
Image showing 3% interest rate for savings accounts and a woman dressed in blue holding a cell phone in the background.

To benefit from this offer, you’ll need to open an N26 bank account. After that, you may open a separate N26 Instant Savings account to earn interest alongside everyday banking. Please note that you’ll only be able to open an N26 Instant Savings account if you meet the eligibility requirements. Check our FAQs for more information.

Saving just got more rewarding

Interest paid monthly

Earn interest on your savings — calculated daily and paid out monthly to grow your balance automatically.

100% flexibility

No need to lock your money away. Deposit and withdraw any amount, anytime, in seconds.

No extra fees

Open your N26 Instant Savings account with just a few taps in the N26 app — at no extra cost.

No deposit limits**

Add as much money as you like and earn interest on your total savings balance. The sky’s the limit**.

Interest Calculator

N26 Instant Savings

Use our interest calculator to see how your money can grow over time with N26.

Enter a balance, your plan’s interest rate, and a time period:

New balance


Gross interest


The calculation above shows gross amounts before withholding taxes and assumes that the daily balance in the savings account remains the same during the whole period. If you keep the paid interest in your N26 Instant Savings account, the total gross interest earned during the whole period will be higher. This is because you'll be earning interest on the interest you've already earned.

Start earning interest

Opening your N26 Instant Savings account is easy. Not a customer yet? Sign up to N26 right from your phone. Once you have your N26 personal or business bank account set up, simply head to the ‘Finances’ tab in the N26 mobile app and tap on ‘Instant Savings’ to create your savings account.

Your money is protected

N26 is a fully-licensed German bank. That means the money in your bank accounts — including N26 Instant Savings — is protected up to €100,000 by the German Deposit Guarantee Scheme.
Image showing the balance in the main account and the savings account with security icon.

Automate? Great.

Growing your money is even easier when you automate your savings. With N26 Rules and Goals (available for all customers) or N26 Income Sorter and Round-ups (available for N26 Smart, You, and Metal customers) you can reach your goals faster by automatically moving money between your main account and your savings account. It’s a great, hands-off way to kickstart your savings.
Image showing the balance in the savings account and the functionalities roundups, income sorters, goals for spaces.

For existing customers, N26 Instant Savings account interest rates are based on your main N26 plan, for both personal and business accounts: starting on 05/02/2025, 1.05% p.a. for Standard and Smart, 1.25% p.a. for You, and 2.25% p.a. for Metal (before taxes). Please note that rates per plan can be changed by N26 over time. Interest is only earned on funds held in your Instant Savings account. Withholding taxes may apply for customers who are residents of Germany, in which case N26 will withhold taxes on paid interest. **The money in your bank accounts — including N26 Instant Savings — is protected up to €100,000 by the German Deposit Guarantee Scheme. The offer is provided under the German law.

    The gross interest you earn is automatically calculated and paid into your Instant Savings account on the first day of the following month.

    Your interest is calculated daily based on your account balance. For example, if you maintain a daily balance of €15,000 in your Instant Savings account for 12 months and you have a Metal membership, you’ll earn a total of €375 in gross interest, before taxes. Similarly, if there are 30 days in a month and your Instant Savings account balance remains at €15,000 for the whole month, you’ll earn a total of €30.82 (€15,000 x 2.5% x 30/365) in gross interest for that month.

    Whether you have a free N26 account or a premium one, you can find Instant Savings in the Finances tab of your N26 app under the “Savings” section. If you’re an eligible N26 customer but can’t see the Instant Savings option, please make sure that you have the latest version of the app.

    No! N26 Instant Savings is a fully flexible savings account, so you can deposit any amount any time — no strings attached.

    Yes. In general, the interest you earn in your N26 Instant Savings account is taxable in the country where you are a tax resident. N26 won't withhold taxes from the interest you earn, so check the tax regulations in your home country and plan accordingly. For accounting purposes, you'll be able to view your total interest earned in your N26 Instant Savings balance statement. Please note that if you move to Germany, German withholding tax requirements will apply.