N26 Metal — the premium plan for all your finances

This exclusive plan is made for complete money management. Make a statement with a metal debit card, and enjoy travel insurance, purchase protection, and more.
A person holding a phone near a suitcase, with keys, a credit card, sunglasses, and a candle on a desk.

Exclusions and restrictions apply. For more information, please see the Allianz Assistance Insurance Product Information Sheet and Conditions for Beneficiaries. Customers with a German IBAN account in Italy can find more information here.

Advertising message for promotional purposes. Please see the contractual documentation for more information in the Legal Documents Section.

    You can open an N26 Metal account via the N26 app on your smartphone or our website if you meet the eligibility criteria.
    • You’re eligible if:
    • You’re at least 18 years old
    • You’re a resident of a supported country
    • You have a compatible smartphone
    • You don’t already have an account with us
    You will also need to provide a supported ID document, applicable to the country that you’re resident in. Find further information here. Sign up only takes a few minutes, and no paperwork is needed. Once your identity is verified and you’ve signed the contract, you’ll be able to start using your bank account.

    When you open your N26 Metal account via the website or app, you can choose the color of your metal bank card. This step takes place before identity verification. Once your identity has been verified and you’ve signed the contract, we’ll send your N26 Metal Mastercard to your delivery address. To learn more about N26 Metal card delivery, head over to this article in our Support Center.

    The card you receive with your N26 Metal premium bank account is a debit Mastercard. Some of its features are the same as what you get with a credit card, although there are also a few key differences. You can pay online, in stores, and in apps with your N26 debit card, as well as withdraw cash from ATMs with no hidden fees. Forgot your card at home? Simply add your N26 card to Apple Pay or Google Pay and pay with your phone — that way, you’re always prepared. Your N26 Metal bank card comes in one of three distinct metallic shades: Charcoal Black, Quartz Rose, and Slate Grey. You'll receive a card number, expiration date, and CVC for your debit Mastercard — just like you would with a credit card. Find out more about the differences between debit and credit cards in our guide.

    If you opened your account in Italy, your N26 Metal Mastercard includes unlimited free ATM withdrawals and foreign currency payments within Italy and abroad.

    Alongside the insurance package available with N26 You, N26 Metal also gives you additional mobile phone and purchase protection insurance.

    No, mobile phone insurance is already included in your monthly N26 Metal membership fee.

    N26 Metal also offers unlimited ATM withdrawals in foreign currencies, as well as free card payments worldwide. It’s ideal for those who travel, and comes with travel insurance benefits that covers trip delay and cancellation, baggage delay and loss, and emergency medical care abroad. That’s all in addition to personal liability cover during travel and purchase protection.

    The N26 Metal plan involves the payment of a monthly fee of €16.90. If you’d like to, you can also opt for a payment of €91.30 every six months, or an annual payment of €162.20. The subscription period is one year and, unless you cancel before the end of the annual term, renews automatically. You may cancel your subscription at any time. For a complete description of the economic conditions applicable to N26 Metal, please refer to the information sheet ‘N26 Bank Account’ and the information sheet ‘Services to the N26 Bank Account’.

    N26 Spaces are sub-accounts that sit alongside your main account, giving you an easy way to manage your finances. As a Metal customer, create up to 10 Spaces sub-accounts in an instant, and effortlessly put money aside for your savings goals, upcoming expenses, or even an emergency fund. Of course, how you use your Spaces is up to you. Try using Rules to automatically set money for your bills aside. With your monthly expenses taken care of, you can relax knowing that you won’t overspend in your main account. If you want to save and spend as a group, simply create a Shared Space, and manage funds together with up to 10 other N26 customers. However, please note that an IBAN cannot be added to a Shared Space for now. Stay tuned for more updates to come! Find out more about Spaces and Shared Spaces here.

    To find out more about the insurance benefits associated with your N26 Metal account please refer to the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) and the Conditions for Beneficiaries. Customers with a German IBAN account in Italy can find more information here. Trip Cancellation
    Which events are covered?
    • Death; Illness (incl. epidemic/pandemic disease of the beneficiary, such as COVID-19) or medical condition; Injury; Hospitalization
    • Individual quarantine and other events listed in the collective insurance agreement
    Travel Interruption
    Which events are covered? Completion of the trip as scheduled is not possible or cannot be expected due to e.g.:
    • Serious accidental injury or unexpected serious illness including an epidemic/pandemic disease such as COVID-19 or Individual quarantine
    Travel Delay
    Which events are covered?
    • Trip delayed due to covered reasons by at least two hours.
    Baggage and Baggage Delay
    Which events are covered?
    • Reimbursement in case of damage, theft or loss of items
    • Reimbursement for essential items purchased if luggage is delayed by more than four hours
    Identification Document Coverage
    Which events are covered?
    • Reimbursement in case of damage, theft or loss of travel documents
    Emergency medical/dental benefits abroad & Emergency transportation
    Which events are covered?
    • Illness or accidental injury during travel — including treatment for an epidemic or pandemic disease such as COVID-19
    Personal Liability Mobile Telephone Accidental damage & theft
    Which events are covered?
    • Theft, accidental damage; high voltage (including lightning) damage
    Purchase Protection
    Which events are covered?
    • Theft; accidental damage to eligible goods for 12 months immediately after purchase

    To find out more about the insurance benefits associated with your N26 Metal account please refer to the legal documents made available to you, especially the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) and the Conditions for Beneficiaries. - General exclusions apply to the whole policy and some benefit sections contains conditions specific to that section
    • Events occurring outside the validity dates indicated in the conditions for beneficiaries
    • Claims arising from an event the beneficiary had prior knowledge of before opening their account (or booking a trip for travel-related claims).
    • Natural disasters, events directly or caused by or contributed to or arising from nuclear reactivity
    • Damage of any kind caused intentionally by the beneficiary or with their complicity
    • An epidemic or pandemic, except as expressly stated under Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption, Emergency Medical/Dental Services Abroad and Emergency Transportation sections.
    • Systemic (non-individual) epidemic/pandemic events
    • Claims arising due to pre-existing medical conditions
    • Violation of international sanctions, laws or regulations
    • The policy deductible that is applicable to claims made under some benefit sections
    • Financial limits apply to each benefit section
    • There are general conditions that you must meet for cover to apply and some benefit sections contain conditions specific to that section
    • For purchase protection, objects with a minimum value below €100
    • For Mobile telephone accidental damage and theft, objects older than 2 years

    Please consult the general section, and respective information of each benefit in the Conditions for Beneficiaries for a precise overview of the respective restrictions and limitations. Main exclusions
    • War (declared or undeclared) or acts of war
    • Civil disorder or unrest, except when and to the extent that civil disorder or unrest is expressly referenced in and covered under trip interruption coverage or travel delay coverage
    • Terrorist events, except when and to the extent that terrorist events are expressly referenced. This exclusion does not apply to Emergency Medical or Emergency Transportation coverage.
    • Intentional self-harm or attempt or comit suicide
    • Unstabilized illnesses or injuries that were diagnosed or treated
    • An epidemic or pandemic, except when and to the extent that an epidemic or pandemic is expressly referenced in the coverage description
    • Local health situations, pollution, weather or climate events
    • Natural disaster, except when and to the extent that a natural disaster is expressly referenced in the coverage description
    • Expenses incurred without the prior agreement of our assistance department
    • The cost of treatment or care not resulting from a medical emergency
    • The consumption of alcohol or drugs not medically prescribed
    • Participation in a professional or dangerous sport
    Main restriction
    • Trip cancellation:
      Deductible: €20 per beneficiary
    • Purchase protection:
      Deductible: €50 per claim, Depreciation: 10% every 6 months following the purchase date
    • Mobile phone: Purchase less than 2 years old, Depreciation: 10% every 6 months following the purchase date

Allianz Logo - Updated November 2024. You can see all information you need to start a claim or call Allianz Assistance in case of an emergency in the N26 app and in the Conditions for beneficiaries. N26 Metal features comprehensive insurance coverage from Allianz Assistance (trade name of AWP P&C S.A. – Dutch Branch) one of Europe’s most trusted insurance companies. AWP P&C S.A. Dutch Branch is an insurer licensed to act in all EEA countries and operating in freedom of services, with corporate identification No 33094603, and registered at the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) No 12000535. AWP P&C S.A., which has its registered office in 7 rue Dora Maar, Saint-Ouen, France, is authorized by L’Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) 4 Place de Budapest CS 92459, Paris Cedex 09, France.