Everything you need to know about N26

100 % Mobile

Control your account and your card directly from the N26 mobile app: block/unblock your card, set your limits, change your PIN code, receive push notifications in realtime and much more.

No hidden fees

Open your account, manage your finances and pay with your card, even abroad, without fees.

Your bank account in 8 minutes, at home

Open a new N26 bank account at home in an easy, paperless signup process. Immediately after you will receive your new IBAN. The signup process will be done thanks to a selfie and a picture to your ID docs. Do you know anything easier?

0 fees on all your payments by card

And it stays true if you are abroad. N26 is as mobile as you, whether you go at the shop at the corner or at the other end of the world.

Join N26

With no revenues nor deposits conditions, open now you N26 account